All about organic hemp protein [Eigenschaften, Verzehr, Gefahren]

Packed with plant-based proteins and essential nutrients that athletes love, the Organic hemp protein makes a good place among the natural nutritional products. In the shaker as well as in the kitchen, it gradually invites itself into our everyday life. Here’s a look back at what it really is, what it’s made of, what properties to expect, how to consume it, and even its possible dangers. In short, you will understand, here is the complete hemp protein guide!

What is hemp protein?

min organic hemp protein

A hemp seed consists of 35% protein. An enormous proportion that makes it one of the most natural high-protein plants. To extract the hemp protein, we first crush the seeds, then we press them to extract the oil (a good 45% of the mass of the seeds. This first part is simply the hemp oil that we increasingly find in the supermarket for cooking, in the health food store or to prepare in combination with cannabidiol findCBD oil.

The remainder is then dried to completely dehydrate it. This dry mass can finally be crushed and the fat residues removed in order to greenish powder. This is called hemp protein. If the hemp it is derived from is organic, then logically it is organic hemp protein.


As the name suggests, hemp protein is a complete plant protein One of the main benefits of this is containment all essential amino acids on our body, hence the interest that is increasingly being focused on it, especially by athletes. Due to its exceptional composition, it offers a very rich profile with a Protein quality similar to that of soy or egg. In particular, hemp protein is very high in arginine and L-tyrosine, but rather low in leucine and lysine, more common in foods of animal origin.

However, hemp protein does not contain any not just pure protein. Therefore, it is estimated that the amount of pure protein is equivalent to about 50% of the amount used by “hemp protein”. This is less than soy protein, for example (up to 90%), but is offset by the fact that hemp protein much less processed and refineda real plus for your health!

Properties of hemp protein

Organic hemp protein is mainly used by athletes. They are not the only ones, however, and his interest is now widening interesting properties related to nutrition and health generally.

Hemp protein for sport and nutritional balance min

muscle building

Regular consumption of hemp protein is an excellent complement to sports practice for those who desire it Maintain, develop or gain muscle strength. Thanks to its high concentration of essential fatty acids, it contributes both to the achievement of performance and to recovery, especially in Promote the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and limiting inflammation.

immune system

In addition to fatty acids, organic hemp protein rich in antioxidants and nutrients essential, contributes to it strengthen natural barriers our body and thus to maintain our immune system.


Between the fatty acids, antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and minerals that make it up, organic hemp protein is world-renowned very complete food supplement. It is therefore ideal for all athletes who want to maintain their muscle capacity naturally, for vegans who are looking for one high-quality, non-animal source of proteinthose with lactose intolerance or simply for anyone who wants to vary their protein sources.

So does hemp protein only have benefits, or are there certain dangers in generalizing its consumption?

Are There Dangers in Hemp Protein?

The taste of hemp protein is quite strong and therefore not for everyone. But there is nothing dangerous there. What is a much bigger obstacle is thehemp allergy. However, this is a case very rare and it is very unlikely that you will suffer from it.

However, some side effects can be observed.

side effects

You basically live in a Risk of diarrhea and flatulence. They are mainly due to hemp’s high fiber content, which most of the time makes it easier to pass through the intestines, but can be difficult for some to digest. It is therefore recommended not to consume too large amounts of hemp protein powder, nor to consume it too quickly, and of course always Focus on quality products.

Finally, it is recommended that immunocompromised or anemic people and to pregnant women not to consume hemp protein without first talking to a nutritionist.

Apart from these few cases, for which a contraindication seems necessary, it is not not dangerous and also very easy to consume hemp protein.

Protein shaker with hemp protein min

It is recommended that a . to prefer protein off organic hemp and extracted cold, to retain as much as possible natural properties of hemp. The quality of the product actually plays an important role in the expected benefits of its consumption.

Then you can use it in the most practical way according to your needs and desires.

  • In the shaker: by simply mixing the powder with water, possibly in conjunction with your favorite protein shake mix.
  • In a smoothiefruit juice or milk (vegetable or not, depending on consumption habits).
  • As an ingredient in the kitchen: by simply sprinkling your product into a bowl or incorporating the protein into a recipe for a less dry result and a more pleasant taste (pancakes, energy balls, etc.).

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