Two to three million French suffer from itkidney failure. An already significant number that could be even more important as it is difficult to identify the problem just by looking at the symptoms. Fortunately, a simple blood test usually helps get a clearer picture of the condition of a person’s kidneys. Anti-inflammatory drugs are increasingly used in connection with chronic pain Cannabidiol (CBD) is often cited as an opportunity for people with kidney failure. cbdstoreindia.i separates the true from the false.
Kidney failure: what are we talking about?
We speak of kidney failure when we see a gradual decline in kidney function. It is worth remembering that the kidneys are the body’s natural filters, responsible for cleansing our blood of the various waste products it encounters.
- urea: Waste from food and more specifically from the breakdown of proteins by the liver. When urea levels are too high, it’s called uraemia, which is a sign of kidney failure. Ideally, it is between 3 and 7.5 mmol/l.
- creatinine: Waste products resulting from the functioning of the muscles. It refers to a clearance rate that takes into account the age, weight and sex of the patient in particular. A clearance below 60 ml/min is generally considered to be a sign of renal insufficiency.
When the kidneys fail to function normally, garbage accumulates instead of passing out in urine. Being toxic in high doses, they can lead to more or less serious health problems. In the most severe cases, treatment for kidney failure can range as far as dialysis or even a kidney transplant.
One of the main problems with kidney failure is that, at least initially, it is what is known as renal insufficiency silent disease. That is, it does not cause any visible signals. In the absence of regular blood tests, it can therefore develop insidiously, without the sufferer having the opportunity to act on its origin.
Factors affecting chronic kidney failure
- arterial hypertension,
- Diabetes,
- immune diseases,
- hereditary kidney diseases,
- excess cholesterol,
- Smoking,
- overweight,
- recurrent urinary tract infections,
- Kidney stones,
- exposure to certain toxic products such as lead or mercury,
- some drugs.
Symptoms of Kidney Failure
As we have already mentioned, kidney failure can remain silent for a long time. However, after a while, symptoms appear. They can be varied and, as they are, hardly make the diagnosis easier weakly characteristic :
- Unusual tiredness after exertion,
- urge to urinate frequently
- Cloudy, dark, or scanty urine
- Anemia,
- Edema related to water or salt retention
- nausea and vomiting,
- Sleep disorders,
- Headache,
- loss of appetite,
- Unexplained weight loss.
Therefore, in order to prevent kidney failure, it is necessary in the first place healthy lifestyleespecially:
- Eating healthy,
- Practice,
- Avoid being overweight
- drink enough water
- Check blood pressure, diabetes, creatinine and urea levels regularly (both of which are very easy to measure with a routine blood test).
However, these preventive measures in no way guarantee that you will not develop kidney failure. CBD exhibits many virtuous effects including Analgesics and anti-inflammatories, it seems reasonable to ask if it can help people with kidney problems. It is also legitimate to wonder if its effects may not, on the contrary, cause the kidneys to work too much.
Effects of CBD cannabis on the kidneys: what you need to know
The corresponding study from 2017 [Link auf Englisch] was interested in the positive and negative effects that cannabinoids could have on the kidneys. The first interesting element to mention is that the two types of sensors in the human body that are activated by cannabinoids (CB1 and CB2) are distributed in different parts of the body, most notably the kidneys. It therefore seems reasonable to believe that ingesting CBD or other cannabinoids actually has an effect on the kidneys. However, these have not yet been fully identified.
Can cannabinoids harm the kidneys?
The consumption of cannabis in general and CBD in particular does not seem to not affect the kidneys of healthy individuals.
Regarding thechronic kidney failurethe risks appear to be limited, since marijuana use did not appear to result in a statistically significant deterioration in kidney function among the subjects who used drugs of any type.
On the other hand cases ofacute renal failure have been documented after consumption of synthetic cannabinoids. We therefore repeat, it is imperative to avoid synthetic cannabis, which are produced in a laboratory and whose risks can be extremely dangerous.
Can CBD Relieve Kidney Failure?
Nevertheless, according to the same study, it seems possible that taking CBD is possible beneficial effects on some forms of kidney disease, but without making any conclusions about the useful dosages or even the pathologies involved. According to an article published in the magazine kidney medicine (“rein magazine”), a little more than 10% of Canadian nephrologists (Cannabis was fully legalized in Canada in 2018) are prescribing cannabis to their patients to help them manage chronic kidney disease. However, these requirements primarily serve this purpose reduce chronic pain associated with kidney failurenot to treat.
Therefore, given the current state of research, it seems reasonable to conclude that buying CBD may help in some cases Reduce symptoms of kidney failure or another condition affecting the kidneys. However, it’s still too early to discuss a CBD-based treatment option.
Finally, remember that medicinal cannabis is not recognized in France. Also legal or in the form of CBD isolate, so there can be no question of a treatment. If you are considering taking CBD and have kidney failure, it is important to speak to a nephrologist or at least a family doctor beforehand.