Danger from CBD: When is CBD dangerous?

We sometimes hear that in conversations between friends, on the internet, and even from the political class CBD is dangerous. That in hindsight the precautionary principle should prevail. Understand, it would be better not to take it. So how can you separate the true from the false and form your own opinion under good conditions? Without jargon or taboo, cbdstoreindia.i explains in this case, CBD can be dangerous and what cannabidiol-rich products can be instead eaten without fear.

Debunking misconceptions: No, CBD is not dangerous

Cannabis Dangers vs. CBD Dangers min

The dangers of CBD and the dangers of cannabis should not be confused

Let’s not maintain any unnecessary tension, CBD as such is not a dangerous molecule. It is so :

  • not psychoactive: It doesn’t get high, unlike other cannabinoids naturally produced by cannabis/hemp whose THC.
  • not addicted: Regular consumption of CBD does not create addiction to the substance.
  • without major side effects: we will come back to this point in more detail a little further down.

If CBD poses a danger or a risk, it is not in general, but rather according to its consumption. This probably won’t come as a huge surprise to most of our readers, however Smoking CBD is not recommended etc carries real risks. We will explain this point again in detail in a moment.

Is CBD Harmful?

no The harmfulness of CBD is often cited by its critics as one of its main dangers. It is wrong. L’World Health Organization (WHO) itself states on this subject:

“During its November 2017 meeting, the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Addiction concluded that pure cannabidiol (CBD) does not appear to have any potential for abuse or to be harmful to health. . »

However, this does not mean that taking CBD is never harmful to your health. The type of consumption is often to blame.

Also check out this guide: Can you overdose on CBD?

Smoking CBD carries risks

smoking cbd dangers min

Smoking CBD in any form is not safe

Smoking CBD cannabis is not only illegal but also involves burning the material and therefore bringing it to a very high temperature (up to 900°C). However, if there is combustionthere is release of toxinstoxic substances with which one could compare for the sake of simplicity poison. CBD contains no nicotine, and smoking releases fewer toxins than a traditional cigarette. It is estimated that one cigarette releases more than 4000 different toxins, at least 70 of which are carcinogenic. A cannabis joint would only release 150 toxins, including five carcinogens. Better, but still dangerous.

So smoking CBD amounts to exposure to one due to the combustion increased risk of oncological, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. At least.

What are the dangers of CBD oil?

Again, the oil itself is not present no danger. However, it is absolutely necessary avoid smoking cbd oil. It is also necessary, as with all CBD derivatives, to ensure this product quality. Other dangers are directly related to the quality of the product, especially if it contains preservatives, flavor enhancers, or is extracted from a plant from a “dirty” culture (pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals).

Le extraction mode must also be taken into account. A CO extraction2 supercritical is therefore recommended as it is clean and respectful of the product. It is not so not too hot either as during an oil extraction that could change the properties of the cannabinoids, extracted with a solvent which can leave traces of chemicals in the oil.

In particular, cbdstoreindia.i is committed to selecting high quality CBD products, from a natural and environmentally friendly agriculture. If you have doubts about the choice of your product, you can refer to our guide to choose the right CBD oil.

In certain specific situations, generally directly related to theHealth It can also be general of the consumer and the possible intake of a conventional treatment contraindicated to take CBD. Let’s see when and why.

CBD contraindications: when is it best to avoid?

minimal cbd risks

Sometimes it is better to avoid CBD to avoid certain risks associated with CBD

Some special situations are intended to draw attention to the dangers of CBD. An objective analysis can then be used to determine whether taking CBD is possible or not recommended.

Drug Interactions

A 2020 US study highlighted the possibility of drug interactions with CBD, particularly when taking antidepressants. By focusing on different groups of drugs to treat equally diverse diseases, a list of 57 drugs was created that a narrow therapeutic indexie whose effects are possibly affected by taking cannabinoids together. Some antidepressants are particularly concerned, which requires very special vigilance and an open discussion with the treating physician at the place of origin of the prescription prior to regular consumption of CBD.

CBD in pregnant women

In pregnant women, the Mom’s health is not the only one at stake since theembryo then infant may indirectly suffer the effects of what they consume. For the moment, There is no evidence that CBD could pose a danger for one or the other. On the contrary, he can Help the pregnant woman feeling more relaxed, sleeping better, and enduring some of the aches and pains of pregnancy. However, the effects of CBD during pregnancy are not yet well understood to draw firm conclusions.

CBD in children

Just like during pregnancy, there is little review of taking CBD in children. However, in countries where it is allowed, the therapeutic cannabis partially aimed at children. This is the case, for example, with treatments against certain Refractory forms of childhood epilepsy. Conventional treatments have no or insufficient effect, CBD is used in high doses to reap its benefits antiepileptic potency.

drive CBD

In contrast to THC, CBD in isolation is not prohibited when driving. Driving under CBD is therefore legally possible. Nevertheless, it is important to pay attention to at least two points:

  • Some derivatives, including legal ones, contain a tiny THC content (<0.3% according to European law). A routine saliva test can detect it and therefore cause problems.
  • CBD has a relaxing effect that isn’t soporific, but one nonetheless slight feeling of drowsiness.

Taking CBD just before driving can therefore harbor certain dangers, even minor ones. It is therefore advisable to delay consumption of CBD and driving for a few hours.

CBD, side effects

It is often said that CBD has no side effects. This is indeed an abuse of language, often used for the sake of popularization to emphasize this the dangers of CBD are infinitely less than that of most conventional treatments, already used by a large number of people interested in CBD as an alternative. To be precise and honest, the side effects of CBD do exist. However, they are relatively rare and lightweight, which is what sets them apart very little dangerousespecially if not smoked.

Main side effects of CBD

  • nauseasometimes accompanied by loss of appetite (direct consequences of a drop in blood pressure)
  • Dry mouth or pasty
  • Fatigue and drowsiness (since CBD promotes drowsiness without being a sleep aid)
  • Gastrointestinal problems (mild constipation or diarrhea)

However, the danger of CBD must be put into perspective by the fact that in most cases these undesirable effects only occur with very strong side effects high dosage.

Can you be allergic to CBD?

Cannabis allergies are rare, but they are not directly related to CBD. In the event of an allergic reaction, the product is more than likely to be consumed contains THC and/or hemp pollen. In order to avoid them as much as possible, it is advisable in this case to avoid raw products (cannabis flowers and resins) and to prefer one CBD isolate or a broad spectrum product such as a high quality CBD oil, from pure CBD crystals, or some creams et balms.

Conclusion: benefits and harms of CBD

Damage from CBD Benefits of CBD
Is harmful when smoking Does not cause high or addictive effects
Sometimes causes side effects when taken in high doses (indigestion, fatigue, doughy mouth) Comes with fewer and milder side effects than most treatments, supplements, and wellness products on the market
May not be recommended in certain situations (treatment, pregnancy, etc.). Reduces stress, anxiety and depression
Suffers from the lack of research to better control their consumption (dosage, type of consumption, situation) Relieves intestinal problems
Reduces some chronic pain
Has a neuroprotective effect
Soothes skin irritations
Promotes good sleep
Is a natural muscle relaxant

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