Cannabinoids, such as CBD and THC, are fat soluble and can be absorbed by the body through the mucous membranes. Taking cannabis oil sublingually bypasses the stomach, increasing bioavailability, the amount of cannabinoids in the blood. The best way to take cannabis oil is by applying it under the tongue with a dropper. This will ensure that the cannabis oil gets to the bloodstream quickly. The bioavailability of cannabis oil will take fifteen to thirty minutes to kick in.
Cannabinoids like CBD and THC are fat-soluble
The main reason why cannabis is so dangerous is that it contains tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive cannabinoid. THC is soluble in fats, and it travels from the bloodstream to the brain. There, it interacts with receptors that are part of the endo-cannabinoid system. The brain is a large piece of fat, so THC is reabsorbed by the body and deposits in fatty tissue.
These fatty acids are found naturally in cannabis, and they play a vital role in energy storage and creation. While fats aren’t necessarily good for us, they’re actually very good for cannabis. Because phytocannabinoids are fat-soluble, they absorb better when consumed with fat. In fact, many of the best cannabis products contain at least a small amount of fat, and this means that consuming them in a meal is a great way to get all the benefits of CBD and THC.
They are hydrophobic
The first hurdle to developing a drink infused with cannabis is the fact that cannabis oil is hydrophobic. Hydrophobic oils do not dissolve in water. This property requires manufacturers to develop a solution that engineers the starting material to be water-compatible. This is where companies like MJ Wooly come in. They create cannabis-infused drink formulations that are water-compatible. In the meantime, large beverage companies are showing interest in cannabis-infused drinks.
This property of cannabis oil requires additional processing in order to become water-soluble. Conventional methods of making cannabis oil water-soluble use emulsifiers, carrier oils, and ultrasonic processing. However, the Los Angeles-based company has developed a method involving the feeding of cannabinoids to insects that harvest the oils. This method increases the solubility and stability of the cannabinoids in cannabis extracts.
They are fat-soluble
The most popular infusion medium for edible cannabis compounds is butter. The saturated fats in butter are high in long-chain fatty acids and are the most effective medium for dissolving cannabis compounds. While plant-based fats, such as avocado oil, can be used to make cannabis compounds bioavailable, they may not deliver the full effect. However, patients report that using cannabis-infused butter can significantly increase their bioavailability of THC.
In addition, cannabis-cooking recipes frequently include dietary lipids. As a result, the therapeutically active cannabinoids are easily extracted from cannabis when it is cooked with fats. The longer the fatty-acid chain, the greater the potency of the cannabis effect. This fact is supported by numerous clinical trials, in which vegetable oils were used to prepare cannabis extract capsules. Although the oil contained THC and CBD, it is not known if these compounds are fat-soluble.