Is CBD Effective in Fighting Diabetes?

In France, about 4 million people are diabetic. A significant number and unfortunately on the rise, particularly with rising obesity rates and increasingly industrialized diets. But the hypertransformation of our diet is far from the only culprit, with heredity playing a major role in disease transmission. Today, diabetes is controlled and controlled thanks to treatments, but cannot really be cured, with the risk of sometimes serious complications.

This justifiably raises the question: What can a plant (hemp/cannabis) and also a molecule (cannabidiol) with relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties do against excess sugar in the blood? More than it seems! cbdstoreindia.i explains what we know about the connection between CBD and diabetes and awakens the main hopes resting on the CBD.

Diabetes and CBD act on common areas of the body

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In diabetes, our body no longer regulates blood sugar levels properly.

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by excess blood sugar. Then we speak ofhyperglycemia. Normally, the pancreas produces sugar after eatinginsulin, a hormone responsible for regulating sugar levels. During normal times, insulin allows cells to take up sugar circulating in the blood to use as a source of energy (especially during exercise) or to store it (in the liver or fat cells) as needed. If the body does not produce enough insulin or its quality is not sufficient, sugar accumulates. Diabetes is present in the case of chronic hyperglycaemia (fasting value greater than 1.26 g/l blood in two consecutive blood tests).

So far, there is nothing to suggest or even suggest that CBD-based diabetes treatment is possible. However, by acting on our endocannabinoid system (SEC) cannabidiol is able toaffect different parts of the body. Some are directly involved in the development of diabetes, hence the questions from the scientific community. In addition, the questions are not the same depending on the type of diabetes under consideration. There are two main ones.

CBD against type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is the rarest form of diabetes and primarily affects children, adolescents and young adults. In this case, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and the sugar accumulates in the blood without being able to be used for energy production. A 2016 study conducted on mice shows that CBD could be consumed in adequate amounts reduce inflammation of the pancreas while suppressing the autoimmune response in type 1 diabetes. While not a silver bullet, it could still help Limit the amount of insulin you inject to the patient and thus facilitates a relatively difficult treatment.

CBD and type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is much more common (at least 90% of cases). It is again up to a improper use of insulin by the body. Its development is very insidious, so that it usually does not appear until adulthood. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly commonWHO estimates that the number of type 2 diabetes cases quadrupled between 1980 and 2014. Here, too, the pancreas is directly affected. So CBD could also contribute to this limit inflammation.

In the context of type 2 diabetes, the lifestyle of the diabetic remains an important factor: a Good nutritionsleep quality and stress reduction are all parameters that can improve the general condition of the patient. So without being able to cure type 2 diabetes on its own, CBD can help make it more livable and slow down your progress. In terms of food, it is therefore advisable to combine it with hemp, a superfood particularly rich in fiber and essential nutrients.

In Short: Why Consider CBD for Diabetes?

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Between medication and insulin injections, diabetes treatments are heavy

Notice, CBD is not a diabetes treatment. However, certain properties of cannabidiol could make it useful to improve the daily lives of diabetics. Let’s recap:

  • Protect the pancreas: Regardless of the type of diabetes, the pancreas is involved in the development of the patient’s state of health. If the human studies conducted on mice are confirmed, CBD could help maintain stable levels of insulin in the pancreas.
  • Maintain liver balance: When the pancreas is no longer doing its job, the liver takes over to break down the excess sugar. The fat then accumulates and the liver enlarges. Again, CBD could help limit its inflammation and thus protect against certain effects of diabetes.
  • Fights fat and regulates appetite: CBD, especially when combined with hemp, is an excellent antioxidant. It then helps regulate our appetite, metabolize fat more easily and eliminate toxins. Since diabetes leads to weight problems, it can also make sense in this area.

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CBD oil can help regulate blood sugar levels better

It is not recommended to smoke CBD cannabis for obvious health reasons. However, there are healthier ways of taking it, such as orally (CBD oil capsules, infusion of CBD flowers or CBD resin in combination with a fatty substance to drink pure or when cooking). That ingestion under the tongue is also recommended.

CBD oil under the tongue

L ‘CBD oil probably has the healthiest way to take it with the best results. In fact, it is possible to choose the concentration, store it and transport it easily. Easy Place desired amount under tongue with the dropper built into the bottle, Wait 30 to 45 seconds then to swallow.

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